Civil Aviation is responsible for the formulation of national policies and programmes for development and regulation of civil aviation and for devising and implementing schemes for the orderly growth and expansion of civil air transport. Its functions also extend to overseeing airport facilities, air traffic services and carriage of passengers and goods by air.
The Civil Aviation Division is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of appropriate systems of rules and regulations to guide the safe and secure operations of the civil aviation sector in Tonga. Civil Aviation policies and legislation that guide the safe and secure are available on this website.
The Civil Aviation Division certifies all aircraft and personnel that operate within the domestic civil aviation sector of Tonga. This includes:
- Certification and Approval of Ground Safety
- Certification and Approval of Air Operations
- Certification and Approval of Personnel Licensing
- Occurrence Investigation and;
- Surveillance
- Achieving a safer and more affordable domestic and international air transportation supporting growth of economic activity in the aviation sector.
- We plan, build, regulate and facilitate constructions and maintenance of public infrastructure relating to housing and transportation on land, sea and air, and we regulate all transport services on land, sea and air borders.
- Improve alignment and Implementation of ICAO Requirements with National Civil Aviation Legislation (Corporate and International).
- Improve the Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System for Air and Flight Safety (Flight Safety Standard).
- Improve the Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System for Ground Safety (Ground Standards)
Rules & Regulations:
The following are the set of rules and regulations to which the Civil Aviation Division currently refers and operates under
Parliamentary Acts
- Civil Aviation Act 2014 (Updated 2020)
- Tonga Civil Aviation Rule Parts
- Civil Aviation (Aerodromes and Licensing Charges) Regulations 1996
- Civil Aviation (Airport Parking Charge) Regulations 2002
- Civil Aviation (Restriction of Use of Land) Regulations 1996
- Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act 2008
- Customs Aerodromes Designation
- Customs Airports Regulations
- Carriage by Air Act 1991
International Agreements
- 1929 Dec - Warsaw Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air.
- 1955 - Protocol to amend the Warsaw Convention of 1929, the Hague.
- 1944 Dec - Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation
- 1971 Sept - Montreal Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation.
- 1963 Sept - Tokyo Convention on Offences Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft.
- 1980 Oct - Protocol to Chicago Convention (Article 83 bis).
- 1984 May - Protocol to Chicago Convention (Article bis 3)
- 1988 Feb - Montreal Supplementary Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports serving International Civil Aviation, Supplementary to the 1971 Convention.
- 1991 Nov - Montreal Convention on Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection.
- 1970 Dec - Hague Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft.
- 1990 - Protocol to amend ICAO Convention (Article 50)
- 1990 Oct - Protocol Relating to an Amendment to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Drones & Regulations:
The Rules are adopted from the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand and are applicable for both Rule Part 101 and Part 102 to all operations and operators here in Tonga. You will find here our Drone Registration Form Link?? to which all incoming operators to the Kingdom with a Drone must complete and submit to the Civil Aviation Division for further review and confirmation to operate. In addition, is a pamphlet which contains key information on the use and operation of Drones whilst here in the Kingdom.
Airport & Services:
All airport activities are carried out by Tonga Airport Ltd with the support of Air Terminal Services Tonga, Pacific Energy, Ministry of Customs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Immigration Division), Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Forests and Fisheries (Quarantine Division) and Ministry of Police. Domestic Airline Services are carried out by Lulutai Airlines.
- CAD has employed the help of PASO and CAANZ offices to assist with preparation for this audit.
- Implemented a task force committee with members that are directly correlated to this audit, which includes: Immigration, Police, HMAF and, TAL.
Current activities carried out in this preparation is:
- Revision and amendments of National Aviation Security state level policies
- Surveillance of aviation security operations
Civil Aviation Division upcoming events:
The civil aviation division (CAD), aviation security team is currently preparing for the 'International Civil Aviation Organizations' Universal Security Audit Program, Continuous Monitoring Approach (ICAO USAP CMA) scheduled for 1-11th May 2023.
The objective of this audit is to promote global aviation security through continuous auditing and monitoring of Member State's aviation security performance, to enhance their aviation security compliance and oversight activities.
The result from the ICAO USAP CMA audit will reflect the current level of compliance of Tonga's aviation security in accordance with the standards set-out by ICAO. It will also identify areas for improvement for the state.